Roy loses his fiery sword trail?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The smooth orange gradient that follows his sword around sometimes ends up getting replaced with a streak of white. So far it's mostly happened to me on Smashville.
Is this a known issue? Has anyone else experienced this?


Well-Known Member
The smooth orange gradient that follows his sword around sometimes ends up getting replaced with a streak of white. So far it's mostly happened to me on Smashville.
Is this a known issue? Has anyone else experienced this?

I think I've seen it, but I never paid any attention to it since it didn't affect gameplay otherwise. Has it been causing any changes to Roy's attacks, or does it just look funny?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
From what I understand it's purely a visual occurrence, but it's a bright white that stays for a good while, and it distracts me sometimes.


Minus Backroom
That's smash failing to load the correct external graphic for his sword trail and switching to the default trail. It's probably a BrawlEx thing, which may or may not be fixed by the version switch in 4.0.