Planning organizing a netplay crew battle really soon and I want you to help me choose a date.


The birdcario community member

Hey there limit breakers. I need your opinion on a date for the upcoming crew battle I'm soon to host and I need thoughts asap so I can conveniently start organizing it. What is this crew battle about? Just about anyone with access to netplay is eligible to enter and it will end up looking like a crew vs crew battle for other smash games that have held crew battles. More details coming very soon.

~Voting is now closed and the final results will go to the crew battle planned out for the 20th.~

Keep an eye on the events thread soon for more info.​
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The birdcario community member
Also, how will crews be made?
It's draft based so captains will choose the participants for their crew, this will be decided the week before the actual crew battle and I will have more details on it after Friday.