MC - Character Round Robin


Equals Trash
Vote here for the character(You may vote multiple times, but I will decide or make a new poll if theres a tie) of your choice that you would like to see this round robin occur for.

Hey everyone, I decided to start things off with the character round robin. As of today the votes ended in a tie so I decided the Round Robin would probably be the better choice, also more people seemed to be more interested in it. We will start by determining the character we want to use for the round robin. You'll be able to vote for the character you want until 3/20/2017. Once voting is done I will post the challonge and edit this page with the character that won and the date of the tournament. I am aiming for the 25th of March or the 26th. As stated above if there is a tie I would either decide the tiebreaker or create a new poll for the characters that are tied.