Jump Cancel Grab

Flandre Scarlet

New Member
Ok so I will probably come off as biased as a long time Melee and PM player but I think brawl minus could use jump canceled grabs for the uninformed see http://www.ssbwiki.com/Jump-canceled_grab. It just seems like a feature that should be in minus considering how it would allow for combo extension when you wouldn't normally get a dash grab. It also would make it so that dash dance into grab is a more reliable option adding to the power of dash dancing. In addition characters with dash grabs with weak range slow startup or end lag would now have better range and lag when jump canceling grab.


Minus Backroom
I would say yes if it weren't for the fact that there are so many jump cancels in Minus, meaning that a bunch of moves would now also have grab cancels as well which would be completely broken for a lot of fighters. Also, you can already perform standing grabs out of a dash in Minus by cancelling with a crouch instead of a jump. Their numbers are slightly different, but in practice they both work at similar timings in similar circumstances (although crouch-cancelling dashes is generally a more powerful technique, as it allows transitioning a dash into any standing move while still retaining basically all of the dash's momentum with frame perfect execution).

Flandre Scarlet

New Member
Ok I don't have much experience with minus and advanced techniques in it (like character specific cancels of X moves into Y) in part due to the lack of documentation and ease of access on these techniques. For example this from luigi's page http://prntscr.com/a64prf it says you can do things but doesn't explain how. Also with things like this on Ness's page which makes no sense at all. http://prntscr.com/a64q8c
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Minus Backroom
Yeah, those aren't updated very well/at all. The weegee trip should be by holding/pressing shield at some point during a dash attack, but I'm not entirely sure how it works.