[Graphics: Modeling] Nefnoj


Button chubber
1) Tell us a little bit about yourself: Where are you from? What are your hobbies? Are you working or in school?
  • I'm a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. I'm studying computer science in school, I've taken a 3D modeling course and can render. I've been working with the GameMaker Studio. My only job is housesitting.
2) What are some previous projects you have worked on? Have any of these been group efforts?
  • I'm a part of the costume division of the LXP team, my work will be featured in a future update, classic Eggplant Pit, and a collaboration which I'm not allowed to reveal. Teamwork is fun.
3) Can you provide any examples of your editing work?
  • Heck yeah I can:
Light setup courtesy of Nanobuds:
My semi-alts:
A Project M semi-alt:
My palette swaps (and palette swap fixes, Papa Sakurai did not meet my standards):

4) Are you active in the Smash community in any way? Do you play Brawl Minus or Zeus?
  • Heck yeah I play Brawl Minus. Who doesn't? I'm mostly active in the modding scene, not the competitive stuff. I'm also a mod in the Brawl/Project M modding Discord.
5) What software do you use? Provided you can do so, what methods are available to you to capture footage of Brawl Minus?
  • I use 3DS Max, and can take screenshots with Brawl's engine. I'm old school.
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