Fixing the Landed Instant Falcon Punch "Slow Motion" bug... Possible?

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
So, I've been trying to fix the Landed Instant Falcon Punch "Slow Motion" bug. I was able to get FSM (Frame Speed Multiplier) working on the Landed Forward Punch, effectively getting rid of the slow-motion, but the problems remaining are that I could not get the FSM to change back to 1x after the Punch windup (meaning drastically reduced endlag), and I could not get FSM applied to the Landed Reverse Punch at all.

It's possible to make only the final HitBox come out if the Instant Falcon Punch has been activated, but if we can't fix the Slow Motion bug, might as well leave those HitBoxes in. It's bad enough that Falcon is spending his charge on a normal-speed Falcon Punch instead of an Instant one.

I think the key to fixing this has to do with Concurrent Infinite Loops. Anyone have any ideas?

Dr. Mawootad Sammi-husky

Pin Clock

Project Leader
Minus Backroom
Maw fixed it, it's gonna be in the next release.


Active Member
Aww, but I liked the charge punch landings. You could cut off a bit of the startup if you timed the landing right, and if you were frame perfect, you could hold onto the charge while doing a normal falcon punch.