Brawl Minus - Customized Launcher

Greetings Brawl Minus community,
So, I've recently gotten into Brawl Minus enough so that I wanted to set it up on my SD card with a few other Brawl mods set up. The catch with B- was that it used the /codes/RSBE01.gct file that was already occupied by Project M.

For that reason, I made a quick edit of the Project M launcher that will look for RSBE01.gct in the "/minusery/" folder, instead. I have uploaded it to share with those who may want to use it, and I am okay with it being used in the official Brawl Minus releases if it makes the quality cut for being there.
-> Brawl Minus Launcher for HBC [Download link]


(I happen to be fairly new to the scene, so if this is in the wrong section, then go on ahead and move it.)
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So, I just put Minus's RSBE01.gct into the Minusery folder instead? Right next to all of the fighter folders and etc.?
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Yup, the Brawl Minus code file goes in the would-be pf root of the mod.


(EDIT: Just added this to the OP.)

I haven't removed the news or update functions, but I'm pretty sure their servers were taken down.
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I gave it a shot, and Minus works, but a custom version of PM crashes on clicking a menu icon. I'll try it with the regular version soon.
Most P:M builds still require the gameconfig.txt file in the root to determine the use of AXNextFrame, and where the codeset should end. The "custom version" you used either assumed you had one, or would still be problematic on it's own.

If it matters to anyone, I'm personally using PMCC.