An open question to Pin.


According to Kien in my rant thread, you don't want the BR to disclose what's being worked on.


Changes to minus should be decided by votes.

Pin Clock

Project Leader
Minus Backroom
An open answer to the forums:

A woman doesn't like a man without any mystery, and the same logic can be applied to an upcoming version release of a game. If we knew everyone who was going to be in Smash 4 at the E3 2013 reveal, the anticipation and wait for the game wouldn't be anywhere near as fun as it is now. Also when we reveal the big news we have in store for the future, we'd rather have it done in a grand and dynamic way rather than saying "by the way, ____"

Absolute democracies are systems destined to fail, as Kien stated in the other thread, if every proposed change was submitted to a vote, it'd be total chaos and nothing would ever get finished. I am sorry to hear you aren't entirely satisfied with how we handled 3.Q, but asides from working on something amazing for the future of Minus, we will also be working to restore the faith of you the community in Brawl Minus and its development.