A Plea to the Minus Dev Team

Turk Injaydii

Brawl Zeus Bandwagon-Rider
Hey guys,

I speak for many in saying, "I am SO stoked for Walugi and the release of Minus 4.0!!!" I'm really working to get a Minus scene started in my area, and the reveal of Waluigi has a LOT of players interested in the game!!! :D That being said, please don't let the excitement of a new character or the extended beta period lead to the rushing out of a disappointing version of the game. Not saying you guys have a history of this at all; 4.0b is the first version I've had the pleasure of playing... I've said this before on the forums, you guys did a great job with the game and made by far my favorite iteration of Smash. So, I want the good work to continue and I want the game to keep picking up steam.

Through the sharing of many of your Minus videos, and personal posts describing the game, I have a lot of players interested. Odds are, similar things are happening in other Smash scenes. All that being said, I'd hate to see the build up lead to a disappointing climax. You all take your time, do TONS of testing to ensure Waluigi and any other character is balanced appropriately, and release 4.0 when you all are good and ready!

I anxiously await 4.0, but I am also very patient and willing to wait as long as needed to insure its a great success. Have a good evening, and happy smashing! :)

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Don't worry, Pin said in yesterday's stream that they won't release 4.0 until it's "polished" and "complete", or something along those lines. No one would even give me a ballpark estimate on a release date, so we're gonna be waiting a while apparently -- which is fine, I just hope the dev team doesn't burn out or lose interest (or get C&D'ed).

Also, 4.0 is just the last Major Release, not the Last Patch. I suspect the new characters will need some adjustments, after all...

The only stuff I worry about getting neglected are certain small things, like CPU AI improvements, new taunts (SNAAAKEEE), and other "just for fun" stuff. I'd love it if every character had at least one hidden quirk, like the Instant Falcon Punch and Lucario's ULTRATAUNT.
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Failure Incarnate
Heh... Disappointing climax.

...(Starts sobbing and incoherently muttering about how "she" left me).


GG M8s
Minus Backroom
That being said, please don't let the excitement of a new character or the extended beta period lead to the rushing out of a disappointing version of the game. Not saying you guys have a history of this at all
They do actually. When Pichu was released in 3.3 he was shit. Like really bad and noticably the worst character in the game. He was hardly better until 4.0. I'm sure the dev team has learned from this mistake and Waluigi, and the game itself will be much more polished.