Recent content by Ebola16

  1. E

    [.:Release:.] MinimaLauncher v1.2

    I haven't tested this launcher on Wii but I don't see any reason it shouldn't work. It no longer uses OSSleepThread so text flickering issues will be resolved.
  2. E

    [.:Release:.] MinimaLauncher v1.2

    Whipped out a Linux VM and compiled the version of Minima Launcher that includes the Hook Fix. The latest version of Minima Launcher appears to solve The Minima forum post hasn't been updated so you'll need to build it yourself or download the version I...
  3. E

    [.:Release:.] MinimaLauncher v1.2

    I noticed a commit was recently made to the Minima Launcher repo to change the hook type. Can someone tell me how to build Minima Launcher on Windows or provide a compiled version with the hook type change? Thanks!