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  1. F

    Jigglypuff! Techniques etc.

    I've been trying to learn to use Jigglypuff, but I need some help on techniques. How many jumps does Jigglypuff have? When are jumps replenished? I'm guessing they are all replenished when Jigglypuff touches the ground or grabs a ledge. Is there any other way to maximize my air time? I also...
  2. F

    Personalized Smash Bros. Jargon

    Among my Smashing friends, we have developed a lot of wacky (and often racy) names for the characters and the moves they do. Lots of these are just from us being silly, or playing while we've been drinking, or often because when one of us talks the others will mishear what was said. Do any of...
  3. F

    Minus: Peach animations

    Sometimes when Peach plucks a vegetable, the vegetable appears white during the plucking animation, but then turns red when the animation is finished and it's in her hand. This can be a problem since I might immediately toss a white vegetable, but want to hang on to a red one. It only happens...